As part of the Greekaba collection, illustrated by Konstantin Kakanias, the Konstantinella sandal showcases Maison Christian Louboutin's creativity. Set on a 100 mm stiletto heel in gold laminated leather, it is crafted from Loubi Eye red and blue crêpe satin. Its strap is embellished with a pattern inspired by Ancient Greece. A collection of multicolored handmade beads adorns the ankle.
This pair is a limited edition.
It is numbered and stamped with the mention “Edition limitée” on the insole.
Silver / Silver Women's Christian Louboutin Just Queen Sandals & Slides | efJgcEj5
AU$1,398.32 AU$190.73Multicolor Women's Christian Louboutin Lug Du Désert Sandals & Slides | cpqLc63E
AU$880.42 AU$180.38Multicolor Women's Christian Louboutin Sandale Du Désert Sandals & Slides | sWGLruJg
AU$1,072.78 AU$184.22